Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012

Drama Manuscript - Sleeping Beauty ACC version

Sleeping Beauty
·         NARRATOR (YUDIA)
       Once upon time there were a king and a queen who just had a celebrate the born of their  baby, then they made a party and invited the fairies. But they forget to invited two fairies.
·         BOBY
Why the guests not arrive yet?
·         ROSE
Sorry we are late, the party already starts?
·         BOBY
You late 2 minutes and 24 seconds, come in please!
·         ROSE
Where is another fairies?
·         BOBY
Wait a minute. Maybe your friend will come.
·         FLORA
May I eat this cake?
·         BOBY
Yes, of course...
I’m late….!! I’m late…!! (lari muter2x)
·         ROSE
Cindy, Cindy, Cindy!!! You’re not so late… Calm down…
·         CINDY
Oh… OK…. (mulai menenangkan diri). Where is Lovely and Belief?
·         ROSE
I don’t know… can they come on time?
King and Queen come….. (teretetet…..(bunyi terompet))
·         KING
Oh.. your welcome, as I was saying ... welcome, eat, enjoy ...
delightful to have your presences in our humble castle. I’m glad to see you here...
·         QUEEN
Oh... my baby.... you have my beauty....
Oh….. I’m late….. (crying)
Don’t cry….. we are not too late…..
It’s true? Ouch I’m sorry….
No problem.. congratulations,, finally you had a baby..
·         Queen
Thank you, Rose..
·         ROSE
You are welcome..
·         FLORA
A girl, is it?
·         BOBY
Oh, yes, a girl, our precious Beauty.
·         QUEEN
King, what name will we give for our baby?
·         KING
Lets we ask to the fairies, in your mind what is the suitable name for my baby?
·         ROSE
Hmmmm….. beauty… it’s a nice name… you know So many beautiful babies grow to womanhood thus named but crooked teeth and stringy hair. What do you think about of this, this idea?
·         KING
(Distressed) It’s true? Perhaps another name?

·         ROSE
Leave it to me. I bestow my gift, baby girl. I give the gift of beauty. Leave nothing to chance. Rich, ripe, blooming beauty to take the breath away, bring a tear to the eye, a prince to his knees. I give the gift of beauty! How's that? I'm done.
·         KING
We thank you more than we can say.

·         ROSE
(Looking to GIVER OF WIT) And now, you're next.

·         CINDY (GIVER OF WIT)
Oh, oh, oh ... I can't decide ... I am confused!

·         ROSE
We've not all night.

·         CINDY
First, it's this and then it's that and then perhaps ... Oh, my,
what gift? It's always thus with me ... oh, oh, oh! I can't make
up my mind. If I were clever and full of wit ... Ah, that's it!

·         KING
It is? What does it mean ?

·         CINDY
A clever wit! That's it! My gift! I give the gift of wit.

·         QUEEN
A lovely gift. We thank you. I believe you are the cleverest of fairies.

·         ALL FAIRIES (except CINDY)
(Irritated) Indeed?

·         QUEEN
I meant the compliment for all.

·         BELIEF

(Chewing and slowly talking) Do you agree if I ... give ... her ... good digestion ?


·         LOVELY (CRYING)
I’m sorry to say this, but that's not a proper gift!

·         BELIEF
I hope you don’t give a strange gift

·         FLORA
That's a gift I'd like myself and that's the best of presents.

·         BOBY
Perhaps for you, but not for the baby. Try again.

·         FLORA
(Chewing) Would you like to have good teeth?

·         BOBY
The point is, she cannot speak.

·         BELIEF
I've covered that already! Will you be serious?

·         FLORA
(Chewing again) Oh, I'll give what I always give - charm. The mothers like it.

·         QUEEN
Oh, I do indeed.

·         FLORA
You see. "What a charming girl," they'll say. Am I done?

·         ROSE
Done. Who's next?
·         BOBY
(Awkwardly raises hand, smacking GIVER OF CHARM) I am! Oh, dear ...
(GIVER OF GRACE moves across table to GIVER OF BEAUTY, tripping, knocking things off table, stepping on other FAIRIES' hands and toes and nearly landing on the BABY, producing cries from the KING and QUEEN.) Let me carry it... oh dear ...

·         ROSE
And what's your gift - before we've flattened the baby?
·         BOBY
Dear Princess Beauty, I bestow upon you the gift of grace! In my opinion, the proposal is good. (GIVER OF GRACE bows to BABY and falls off the table.)

·         ROSE
And you. Come now and tell your gift.
(GIVER OF CONFIDENCE hesitates and must be coaxed.)
·         Come closer. Closer ... closer still.
·         Confidence! The gift of confidence. That's well received.
·         And you.
HEART who bursts into tears.)

(Weeping) I ... I ... bestow ... I bestow ... I bestow ...
(GIVER OF CARING HEART breaks down, crying.
GIVER OF BEAUTY dries the tears with a
handkerchief.) Thank you ... so much. I give this ... darling baby ... oh ... oh ...
(Breaking down again) ... it's too much ...

·         FLORA
Please, it's nearly dawn.

·         LOVELY
I give thee, dear thing -- (Struggling through tears)
-- a sensitive ... loving ... caring ... heart.

·         ROSE
At last! Beauty, wit, charm, grace, confidence and a caring
heart! So far so good. And only one to go - but where's the last?
(ALL FAIRIES lean their heads to listen and hear snoring under the table where
GIVER OF SLEEP is asleep.) As expected, with a young one - to sup and nap.

·         CINDY
Wake her. It's nearly dawn and gifts take best in darkness.(The mood changes.)

·         ROSE
Hold now!

·         LOVELY
Does it seem cold?

A sudden breeze.

·         CINDY
A chill quite through.

·         ROSE
There's more to come.

·         ALL FAIRIES (except ROSE)
More to come?

·         ROSE
(Stating the bad news) Fairy late.

·         LOVELY
(Starting to cry) Fairy forgotten!

·         QUEEN

·         KING
But all were invited.

·         ALL FAIRIES (except flora)

·         FLORA
All? Ouch. Excuse me I want to wash my hand….

·         KING
All six.

·         ROSE
That's fine. Six is all. Correct. It's been thus for centuries.

·         LOVELY
But why the wind?

·         BOBY
And the cold?

·         BELIEF
The sweating palms?

·         BOBY
The rocking stomachs?

·         CINDY
The trembling knees?

·         ROSE
Hold on! A typhoon of temper - a bolt of bad humor. Hold fast ... a fairy forgotten approaches!

·         NARRATOR (YUDIA)
Suddenly Bad fairy (Barbara & Amora) come and they said something to the king. And then they condemned daughter of king and queen.

·         BARBARA
What are you doing here?

·         KING
I celebrate the born of my baby.

·         ARMORA
Why didnt you invite us? (flora : Excuse me.., I want to was my hand..)

·         KING
Sorry, I don’t know. And, why you come here?

·         BARBARA & ARMORA
We saw another fairy went to here, so we follow them. Where is the baby? Oh, you is the beautiful baby! But, when you are seventeen, you will injure yourself with a spindle and die! Ha… ha…
·         FLORA
(masuk waktu eno blng spindle) what are you doing ?
·         ARMORA
That’s not affair …
·         FLORA
(nyari tmn2ny…) what’s happen here??
·         ALL FAIRIES (except flora)
Help Beauty….. !!!
·         BAD FAIRY (bunyi wush) : You are late..
·         QUEEN
Oh no!... How’s this ????

·         KING
Boby…!! Come here…. Announce it to all people in the whole kingdom…
·         BOBY
·         ROSE
Calm down queen… When she hurt herself, the girl would fall into a very deep sleep instead of dying.

·         NARRATOR (WEDA)
The years went by, the little Princess grew and became the most beautiful girl in the whole kingdom. Her mother was always very careful to keep her away from spindles, but the Princess, on her seventeenth birthday, as she wandered through the castle, came into a room where an old servant was spinning.

·         BEAUTY
Look! It is a beautiful place!

·         CINDY
What a beautiful place!
·         BEAUTY
This place is very beautiful but susceptible.
·         CINDY
This is a rose… you can find your real love with this…
·         BEAUTY
·         CINDY
Of course...  I know from lovely…..
·         BEAUTY
But, why you don’t find your real love ?
·         CINDY
I’m fairies, beauty…. Fairies never falling in love.
·         BEAUTY
When I meet with my real love… what must I do??? I’m confuse…. I must still or I have to go??  If I go, my dad and mom will sad.. but, if I still… where my real love? Ahh…… It’s already enough….. hah… why there are servant in there?? (peri tertidur)….
·         NARATOR
The fairies are sleep… and beauty meet servant…
·         BEAUTY
What are you doing..??
·         SERVANT
Oh.., sorry… Where’s your friend? You don’t have friend ?
·         BEAUTY
No.....I have friend, but they are sleeping now…. What are you doing here??
·         SERVANT
I'm spinning. Haven't you seen a spindle before?
·         BEAUTY
No….. all this time I never see this thing! What is that? May I looking that?
·         SERVANT
Ouch sure, this is a spindle, it is used for spinning. You will to try it?
·         BEAUTY
Sorry, I can’t do it.

·         SERVANT
You look very clever! I’m sure you can do it. Please try it. I will help you!
·         BEAUTY
Ok, I try!

·         NARRATOR (WEDA)
The servant handed the girl the spindle ... and she pricked herself with it and with a sigh, dropped to the floor.
The fairies gave notice to the queen, and the queen ask the fairies…
·         ROSE
What happen here??
·         FLORA
I don’t know…..
·         ROSE
Call the queen, please……
·         QUEEN
When will my daughter waken?

·         BOBY
I don't know....

·         QUEEN
In a year's time, ten years or twenty?

·         BELIEF
Maybe in a hundred years' time. Who knows?

·         QUEEN
Oh! What would make her waken?

·         LOVELY
Love, If a man of pure heart were to fall in love with her, that would bring her back to life!

·         QUEEN
How can a man fall in love with a sleeping girl?

·         KING
It’s already time. Let’s we do something.
Fairies, help me to make all the people sleep until sleeping beauty wake up.

·         NARRATOR (RETNO)
So the fairies make all the people sleep until sleeping beauty wake up. Rose transformed to a flower and sleep besides the sleeping beauty.
The years speed fast. The castle ground became like a forest.
In this part, the prince arrived. And he pushed back the branches.

·         PHILIP
Wonder of wonders!

·         NARRATOR (RETNO)
There in front of him stood a castle with high towers. The young man stood stock still in amazement.

·         PHILIP
I wonder who this castle belongs to?
How can the castle became threadbare

 He walk into the castle and see there are many people sprawl.

Good heavens! They're dead!

·         NARRATOR (RETNO)
But in a moment, he realised that they were sound asleep.

Wake up! Wake up!  Why you sleep here?

He saw the most beautiful girl sleep in front of him and he tried to wake her by caress her.

·         PHILIP
Why all people in this whole kingdom is sleep? (He walks into the castle and fined a room where beauty sleep) Wow she is the most beautiful girl ever I see.…? Wake up……I‘m here for you, beautiful girl.

·         BEAUTY
Oh, you have been wake me and you come at last! I was waiting for you in my dream. I've waited so long! What’s your name?

I’m Philip….the son of King Arthur. I come for you…

Oh… I’m Beauty…. Thank you for wake me… (the princes invite Philip to meet her father)
Look, dad…. He has been wake me and make all people inthis whole kingdom wake up...
Who is he?

Let me introduce my self your majesty… my name Philip… I’m the son of King Arthur… may I marry your daughter?

My daughter, do you want to marry with Philip…?

·         BEAUTY
Of course dad…

Ok,, lets we make wedding party for them..

·         NARRATOR (BAGUS)
The spell is broken and the bad fairies destroyed. The Princess rose to her feet, holding out her hand to the Prince. The beauty and the prince get married and lived happily.


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